1st meeting - Poland
where? Dobków, small village in south - west Poland
when? December 14th - 18th, 2011
what for? to get to know each other and to start working on common project..
what happened?
after arriving to Dobków, we started with sharing our stories, to know the stories of the "Grand Treasures family members"...
we continued with discussing in debth how do we undstand aim and objectives of our project to make sure we know the common direction...
presentation of all partner organisations was an important part of the programme, we shared info about target groups we work with, objectives of our organisations, about projects already implemented and about our interest in the "grand treasures" connected topics...
we had an opportunity to discover the local "treasures" of Dobków, while visiting the ceramic workshop of Bogusia and Karolina: Gallery under an angel...
we were listening to the stories from the village at the fire place during meeting with Janina Świderska and Helena Ozga...
very important part of our meeting was the moment of sharing ideas for local and common activities which we plan to do during the project...
some of us visited local school...
we as well visited the "local gallery", a community house with an exhibition of old photos of inhabitants of the village...
we invited people from the village for common intercultural christmas meeting, where as well polish christmas traditions were presented, where ginger breads were decorated, christams baubles were painted...
carols were sang, polish christmas table was presented and delicious food prepared by our hosts from Dobków was tasted...
where we had fun :)
next day in the morning we spent hours discussing the details of the project, its outcomes, timeframe, we shared responsibilities and created the working groups...
at the end of our stay in Poland we visited Wroclaw, to get to know its dwarfs and its stories, and to visit the Christmas market :)
more photos: picassa gallery
report from the 1st meeting: report
participants guide: pax guide