Project results


Manual: Interviewing and archiving oral accounts

Short manual on how to get ready for the interview with eye witness, how to do an interview itself: what to keep in mind, how to behave, which equipment use etc. It as well describes ideas of what to do with the recording, how to process it, how to archive it. Manual was developed by most experienced in the topic Greek partner and was base for partners of the project to work with oral history during local activities. 

Manual is availa ble here.

Galician versión es available here.


Grand Treasures – manual

Grand Treasures – manual, is a collection of most important inspirations, findings and tips connected to work with oral history, intergeneration dialogue which we gathered within the project. Through the manual we want to share our experience with other groups, organisations, people who work with oral history in their local communities. Main parts of the manual are steps which are the main phases of work within oral history projects: identifying, collecting, archiving, editing and dissemination. 

Find the manual  here .