Music album by Nolens Volens


The album was released under the NGO Culture helps to breathe. 
NolensVolens was formed in 2008 when seven of Viljandi Culture Academy's theatre students came together united by their passion to sing and perform. The repertory is mainly that of traditional music, but their strong desire to sing shines through in songs of their original creation. By now, NolensVolens has performed in several venues and festivals: Viljandi Folk Music Festival, Viru Folk, Pärnu Folk Music Days and others. The band was recently awarded with the Radio 2 folk music award as a newcomer. The year 2010 has been very important as NolensVolens released their first album "Hää tulla" ("Good to Come"). Members are: Katre Kaseleht, Kirsti Villard, Liis Lindmaa, Loore Martma, Mari Pokinen, Maili Metssalu, Ragne Veensalu.
Music from inside, female power but still suave, traditional but not submitted to the folklore. NolensVolens is inspired by Estonian and other nations' folk music, but meanwhile experiments with elements from theatre and the world of other sounds. With every song and piece brings NolensVolens to the stage something real and personal.
The music young women use is inspired by what they have heard from their teachers, grandparents and created new pieces ispired from them. The album release was one of the first folkloric and grand-treasures valueing projects for the NGO.